Planning • Analysis • Review

Dynamic Crowd Measurement (DCM) provides real-time data driven intelligence for informed decision making. Simply plug-in your existing cameras to access a powerful metrics for crowd insights at events, venues, transport hubs and smart cities . The process is fast and accurate and is guiding the return of crowds to events.


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DCM Metrics

Sentiment Metrics


DCM observes facial expressions and counts smiles to measure and categorise mood as positive, negative or neutral.

Density metrics


DCM identifies the number of people in comparison to useable space. Measured as people per square meter.



DCM understands the speed and direction of people, indicating where they are going and how fast in Km/h.

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Average Social Distance

The average distance between people in a crowd can be monitored both in real time, and reviewed against historical data to determine a trend within your site.

DCM Social Distance Compliance

Social Distance Compliance

DCM allows users to quantify the level of compliance to social distancing rules and government regulations. This can be done for an entire venue or event, or for any defined areas.

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DCM provides the amount of people detected on field. Headcount can be associated with social distance compliance when measuring the Risk level on the field.


HeatMap Features

Geospatial Heatmap

The Geospatial Heatmap facilitates the effective identification of hot spots for density, mood and velocity (speed and flow) at each active location. 

AlertLevel Features-1

Alert Level Indicator

Visualises the level of risk for each location by analysing the relationship between density, mood and velocity at each location. It is easily customisable in order to suit the nature of the venue, event and expectation of customer comfort levels. 


Zone Monitor Features-1

Zone Monitor

The zone monitor indicates the real-time measurements of density, mood and speed at each location. Each zone is filterable by Alert Level. 

Playback Feature-1

Data Playback

The data playback feature provides real time and retrospective data analysis. It enables you to validate data against a live image and heat-map to gain a deep understanding of key moments and metrics, which is specifically useful for activity benchmarking and planning input. 


Notifications Manager

The notifications manager provides updates on changes to crowd metrics and alert levels. Notifications can be customised to provide specific updates on crowd characteristics at certain locations. 

Visual Validator

The Visual Validator enables comparison of data against a live image or heatmap and helps to increase situational awareness across each location.